1. Wang WJ, Wen J, Xiang WQ, Malabrigo Jr. PL, Ren MX*. 2022. Soil bacterial and fungal communities respond differently to Bombax ceiba (Malvaceae) during reproductive stages of rice in a traditional agroforestry system. Plant and Soil, doi: 10.1007/s11104-022-05542-x
2. Xiang WQ, Malabrigo PL Jr, Tang L, Ren MX*. 2022. Limited-distance pollen dispersal and low paternal diversity in a bird-pollinated self-incompatible tree. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 806217. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.806217
3. Wei YL, Long ZJ, Ren MX*. 2022. Microbial community and functional prediction during the processing of salt production in a 1000-year-old marine solar saltern of South China. Science of the Total Environment, 819, 152014
4. Xiang WQ, Zhang JR, Tang L, Ren MX*. 2022. Filament union provides landing site for birds and increase pollen removal and deposition in an ornithophilous species. Flora, 288, 152025
5. Shen Y, Lei J, Song X*, Ren M*. 2021. Annual population dynamics and their influencing factors for an endangered submerged macrophyte (Ottelia cordata). Front. Ecol. Evol. 9: 688304. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.688304
6. Hu XY, Lan SR, Song XQ*, Yang FS, Zhang Z, Peng D, Ren MX*. 2021. Genetic Divergence between Two Sympatric Ecotypes of Phalaenopsis pulcherrima on Hainan Island. Diversity 13, 446. https://doi.org/10.3390/d13090446
7. Altaf MA, Shahid R, Ren MX*, et al. 2020. Phytomelatonin: An overview of the importance and mediating functions of melatonin against environmental stresses. Physiologia Plantarum 2020, 1-27. DOI: 10.1111/ppl.13262
8. Ling SJ, Lu T, Ren MX*. 2020. A novel type of mirror-image flowers caused by lateral bending of the floral tube in a bumblebee-pollinated plant. Flora 272, 151694. DOI: 10.1016/j.flora.2020.151694
9. Duffy KJ, Cafasso D, Ren MX, Cozzolino S*. 2020. High haplotype diversity with fine-scale structure in a recently established population of an endangered orchid. Plant Species Biology 35(3), 224-232. DOI: 10.1111/1442-1984.12276
10. Huang QQ, Wang W, Barrett SCH, Ren MX*. 2020. Plasticity in selective embryo abortion may limit the mating costs of geitonogamy in self-compatible plants: a hypothesis. American Journal of Botany 107(3), 1–4. doi:10.1002/ajb2.1448
11. Dong SP, Tan K, Ren MX*. 2020. A new species of Hiptage (Malpighiaceae) from Nujiang Gorge, southwest China. Nordic Journal of Botany 38(3), e02436. doi: 10.1111/njb.02436
12. Tan K, Lu T, Ren MX*. 2020. Biogeography and evolution of Asian Gesneriaceae based on updated taxonomy. PhytoKeys 157, 7-26. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.@.34032
13. Ling SJ, Qin XT, Song XQ, Zhang LN, Ren MX*. 2020. Genetic delimitation of Oreocharis species from Hainan Island. PhytoKeys 157, 59-81. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.@.32427
14. Ling SJ, Guan SP, Wen F, Shui YM*, Ren MX*. 2020. Oreocharis jasminina (Gesneriaceae), a new species from mountain tops of Hainan Island, South China. PhytoKeys 157, 121-135. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.@.50246
15. Tan K, Zheng HL, Dong SP, Ren MX*. 2019. Molecular phylogeny of Hiptage (Malpighiaceae) reveals a new species from Southwest China. PhytoKeys 135, 91–104. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.135.37011
16. Zhang Z, Gale SW, Li JH, Fischer GA, Ren MX, Song XQ*. 2019. Pollen-mediated gene flow ensures connectivity among spatially discrete sub-populations of Phalaenopsis pulcherrima, a tropical food-deceptive orchid. BMC Plant Biology 19: 597
17. Zhang YJ, Zhang J, Liu ZY, Ren MX*. 2019. Parnassia zhengyuana sp. nov. and P. simianshanensis sp. nov.: two new species of Parnassia (Celastraceae) from karst caves and Danxia landform in southwest China. Nordic Journal of Botany 37(10), e02414. doi: 10.1111/njb.02414
18. 姚小兰,周琳,吴挺勋,任明迅*. 2022. 海南热带雨林国家公园高速公路穿越段的景观动态与生态风险评估. 生态学报 42(16), 6695-6703. doi: 10.5846/stxb202006191601
19. 曾凯娜, 孙浩然, 申益春, 任明迅*. 2022. 海南羊山湿地的传粉网络及其季节动态. 植物生态学报 46, 775-784. doi: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0281
20. 金璇,凌少军,温放,任明迅*. 2021. 广义马铃苣苔属的生物地理格局与花部演化.植物科学学报 39( 4), 379-388
21. 张哲,任明迅, 向文倩,宋希强*. 2021. 东南亚兰科植物的物种多样性、生活习性及其传粉系统. 广西植物 41(10), 1683-1698.
22. 谭珂, Pastor L. Malabrigo, 任明迅*.2020. 东南亚生物多样性热点地区的形成与演化.生态学报 40(11), 3866-3877。doi: 10.5846/stxb201904160762
23. 李歌, 凌少军, 陈伟芳, 任明迅, 唐亮*. 2020. 昌化江河谷隔离对海南岛特有植物盾叶苣苔遗传多样性的影响. 广西植物 40(10), 1505-1513
24. 姚小兰, 凌少军, 任明迅*. 2019. 海南岛和台湾岛植物多样性“反差现象”的形成机制研究. 环境生态学 1(5), 38-42
25. 卢涛, 凌少军, 任明迅*. 2019. 苦苣苔科镜像花的多样性及演化. 广西植物 39(8), 1007-1015.
26. 向文倩, 任明迅*. 2019. 木棉黄花个体的适应意义. 生物多样性 27 (4), 373–379.
27. 俞筱押,李家美,任明迅*. 2019. 中国南方苦苣苔科植物在喀斯特地貌和丹霞地貌上的适应分化. 广西科学26(1), 132–140.
28. 谭珂, 董书鹏, 卢涛, 张亚婧, 徐诗涛, 任明迅*. 2018. 被子植物翅果的多样性及演化. 植物生态学报 42(8), 806-817.
29. 陈怡超, 赵莹, 宋希强*, 任明迅*. 2018. 海南杜鹃在河岸带弯道两侧的空间分布格局和年龄结构差异. 植物生态学报 42(8), 841-849.
30. 邢婀娜, 徐诗涛, 任明迅*. 2018. 海南特有毛花马铃苣苔小尺度局域种群的年龄结构与基因流. 热带生物学报 9(1), 37–46
31. 徐诗涛, 宋希强, 凌鹏, 陈元君, 任明迅*. 2018. 日本演习林制度对中国生物多样性保护与国家公园建设的启示. 生物多样性 26 (1), 96–104
- 2017. Extensive genetic differentiation at a small geographic scale: reduced seed dispersal in a narrow endemic marsh orchid, Anacamptis robusta. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 183(3): 429-438. (责任作者: 任明迅)
- 2017. Pollination Syndromes of Chinese Gesneriaceae: a Comparative Study between Hainan Island and Neighboring Regions. Botanical Review 83(1): 59-73. (责任作者: 任明迅)
- 2017. Impacts of Host Trees and Sowing Conditions on Germination Success and a Simple Ex Situ Approach to Generate Symbiotic Seedlings of a Rare Epiphytic Orchid Endemic to Hainan Island, China. Botanical Review 83(1): 74-86. (责任作者: 杨福孙、宋希强)
- 2017. Influence of host tree species on isolation and communities of mycorrhizal and endophytic fungi from roots of a tropical epiphytic orchid, Dendrobium sinense. Mycorrhiza DOI 10.1007/s00572-017-0787-7. (责任作者: 宋希强)
- 2017. 海南岛苦苣苔科植物的地理分布格局与系统发育关系. 生物多样性, 25(8): 807-815. (责任作者: 任明迅)
- 2017. 季风对亚洲热带植物分布格局的影响. 植物生态学报, 41(10): 1103–1112. (责任作者: 任明迅)
- 2016. Do the introductions by botanical gardens facilitate the invasion of Solidago canadensis (Asterceae) in China? Weed Research 56(6): 442-451. (责任作者: 任明迅)
- 2016. Effects of chilling and high temperatures on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence in leaves of watermelon seedlings. Biologia Plantarum 60(1): 148-154. (责任作者: 杨福孙)
- 2016. Radula hainanensis (Radulaceae), a new species from China. The Bryologist 119(1): 52-59. (责任作者: 张莉娜)
- 2016. The dual inoculation of endophytic fungi and bacteria promotes seedlings growth in Dendrobium catenatum under in vitro culture conditions. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult 126: 523–531. (责任作者: 宋希强、王健)
- 2016. 风筝果镜像花的雌雄异位变化及传粉生态型的形成. 生物多样性24(12): 1364–1372. (责任作者: 任明迅)
- 2016. “金虎尾路线”植物的花进化与传粉转变. 生物多样性 24(1): 95–101. (责任作者: 任明迅)
- 2015. Effects of sub-optimal temperatures and low light intensity on growth and anti-oxidant enzyme activities in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) seedlings. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 90(1): 92-98. (责任作者: 杨福孙)
- 2015. The upper reaches of the largest river in Southern China as an “evolutionary front” of tropical plants: Evidences from Asia-endemic genus Hiptage (Malpighiaceae). Collectanea Botanica 34(1): e003. (责任作者: 任明迅)
- 2014. Flower color patterning in pansy (Viola × wittrockiana Gams.) is caused by the differential expression of three genes from the anthocyanin pathway in acyanic and cyanic flower areas. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 84: 134-141. (责任作者: 王健)
- 2014. Low pollination success of hybrids between nectar-rewarding and food-deceptive orchids. Plant Systematics and Evolution 300(9): 1985-1993. (责任作者: 任明迅)
- 2014. 海南岛苔藓植物研究历史、现状与展望. 热带亚热带植物学报 22(6): 643–652. (责任作者: 张莉娜)
- 2014. 植物花斑形成分子机理研究进展. 园艺学报 7: 1485–1494. (责任作者: 王健)
- 2014. 不同海拔梯度海南凤仙花种群的传粉生物学研究. 生物多样性 22(4): 467–475. (责任作者: 宋希强)
任明迅 等.《雄蕊:生态与进化》. 2016
宋希强 等.《观赏植物种质资源学》. 2012
宋希强 等.《热带花卉学》. 2009
- 于旭东. 2012.发明专利:益智肾茶ZL 2012 1 0185199.0
- 宋希强. 2010.发明专利:一种培育附生兰的方法ZL 2010 1 0594687.8
- 宋希强、徐诗涛、杨福孙. 2010.发明专利:一种培育兰科植物的方法及专用菌株 ZL 2010 1059463.2